Doll case, Clothes for Sasha, and a Mystery Doll.
One day on eBay I saw a listing for a lot labelled "Sasha Doll Case with Clothes," expiring soon. The description wasn't clear, but there was no time to ask more questions and I was curious. I bid on it and won the auction! At that point, I wasn't sure if the clothes actually belonged to or fit Sasha dolls or not. There was a brunette Sasha doll in the pictures, but the owner said they liked her and that she was not for sale. There was also another doll in the pictures, but it wasn't specified who she was.
I was very curious to see what I would receive!
Below are the pictures from the actual listing:

It shipped out promptly and soon I received my package.
I did some research and it appears that the trunk could be by Worcester T & S and is possibly from the 50s or 60s.
It is in good vintage condition, when you take into consideration how old it is. I've never seen one in-person before. I like it, but I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with it.
The clothes are in very good condition too. And to my surprise, all fit Sasha dolls. Some look like they were factory made, and others not so much - none of them have any tags though. They do all look very nice on Sashas! I wonder if someone out there maybe remembers some of these clothes.
A colorful tunic.
A white blouse and light turquoise blue overalls.
Brown corduroy pants.
A plush green dress.
A lacy white dress.
And finally my favorite, a yellow sleeping set that includes shorts, a camisole and a gown. It is so adorable!
This doll was among the pictures from the listing but not for sale. I presume all of this beautiful clothing belonged to her.
Also, the mystery doll turned out to be a 15" Doll Laurel (1984) by Jan Hagara, for Effanbee. I am not sure if I will keep her or not, but I already was lucky to find and buy a set of her original dress, shoes and bonnet. She is a beautiful doll!
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